Author: conann
Inspiration: 60+ Vintage Automobile Ads | Psdtuts+
A really nice compilation of 60+ Vintage Automobile Ads | Psdtuts+ I was going to right an essay on how we have become so risk averse when it comes to typography and design. How the over emphasis on tools has moved is away from the craftsmanship of good typography, illustration and design. Then I read…
Stop! when your ready, halt — bring to an standstill
Designers everywhere know that their clients would think this video was so cute but never connect with the problem. Found here at Fontblog
Kustaa Saksi - Pretty Cool People Interviews from SubmarineChannel on Vimeo. Having stared at the interweb for about six weeks wondering if there could possibly be something new out there of interest, I came across this picture in my flickr contacts which contained a magic link to Pretty Cool People interviews. Wow I have been…
Shipwrecks & Sea Disasters
They were proud and beautiful once, confident in the face of anything the sea could throw at them - and now they haunt the coastlines with their sadness and beauty (but of the different kind): Beautiful images check them out Found via SimpleBits
iPod touch misses out on “The Social”
What is it? What is this thing that I enjoy about the iPod Nano that is absolutely missing from the iPod Touch? Walking down the street in the cold, big coat and a pair of gloves early in the morning on the way to work is a sensation greatly improved by an iPod. I can’t…
Designing my death
This time last year I was busy squirreling away on a degree in Design Communication and found myself having to "design my own death". This eventually took shape as a series of illustrations which ended in this album cover type illustration. In order to tie this all together I wrote a short description of how…
Corrupt Fonts in Microsoft Word on OS X
For awhile now I have been suffering from a bad case of microsoftness. Everytime I launch an Office app I have been getting endless corrupt font errors, which prevent the app from opening correctly. Not surprisingly no other programs are effected it's just an office problem. I have tried switching to NeoOffice and the other…
Good advice from Anil Dash
I talk to a lot of consultants, freelancers, and small businesses who do web work, and I used to be a freelancer myself, so sometimes I get asked for advice on how to price one's goods and services. I think I came up with my best suggestion today, and it involves only two simple steps:…
Understanding the Need for Multiples
No matter how hard you try and prevent it life always gets in the way of making your own art, in fact it feels so long since I have painted that I am almost ashamed to call it art. I look forward threw my to-do lists in my basecamp account and I can see the…