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Understanding the Need for Multiples

No matter how hard you try and prevent it life always gets in the way of making your own art, in fact it feels so long since I have painted that I am almost ashamed to call it art. I look forward threw my to-do lists in my account and I can see the halo of painting time ahead. I have enough experience to know that finding the time to paint is much easier then figuring out what it is I want to paint.

I am not sure I will ever be the type of artist who will want to explore the land of multiples. I don’t envy the artist who decides to sit and paint twenty canvases of sunflowers. I tried it when I did a series of clouds paintings, and still feel the first three were the strongest. The other ten were an exercise in confirmation of that feeling. Whether I am painting or designing digitally, so much time has gone into the thought process before the work has begun that the other iterations of the work have already been explored.

The exception to this is drawing, I can sit and sketch the same person for hours and then go off and do a100 sketches based on what I have learned. I wonder if there is something I am missing about working in color that makes me have a different frame of mind.

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